
Grant Proposals & Contracts

Our team will research prospective funding sources, write grant proposals and contracts, coordinate and synthesize the work of others, ensure agency compliance with successful grants, and create systems that assist in the preparation and submission of required reports. We can design and implement data collection for program outcomes supporting accurate and timely information for sound decision-making and future grant proposals.

  • Research prospective funding sources
  • Write grant proposals and contracts, independently or with your agency’s staff
  • Examine agency compliance with grants and contracts and recommend improvements
  • Prepare and submit grant and contract reports
  • Design program outcomes and systems to track data for future reporting and decision-making
Data Collection & Analysis

Our team is experienced in the creation of spreadsheets, databases, and data collection applications, as well as creating and conducting qualitative and quantitative research, designing survey research, designing and collecting client-based information, conducting focus groups and needs assessments, instituting program evaluation and analysis, the creation of outcome measures and the collection and analysis of outcome data.

Design and create spreadsheets, databases and database applications

Design and conduct qualitative and quantitative research using a variety of data collection methods:

  1. survey questionnaires (electronic and paper copy)
  2. record extraction
  3. focus groups
  4. face-to-face and telephone interviews
  5. needs assessments
  • Design and collect client-based information
  • Create outcome measures and information collection tools
  • Analyze data and report results
Program Evaluation

Program evaluation is an important process in determining the success of any program and identifying areas that need change. Many grants and contracts also require program evaluation. The Shadow Group has extensive experience in conducting program evaluation for different funding sources (as a third-party evaluator) and in establishing in-house, staff-implemented methods of program evaluation.

  • Third party evaluator of programs
  • Design and implement in-house evaluation methods
Program Improvement – Policies & Procedures

Services include research, writing and implementation of policies and procedures. Expertise includes operations, administration, human resources management and program-specific policy development. Our team will develop policies and procedures to improve your organization’s efficiency, be in line with current best practices and meet or exceed the requirements of licensing standards and professional accreditation requirements.

      • Policy research
      • Writing policies and procedures
      • Design implementation tools and strategies
      • Policy expertise in the following areas:
        1. operations
        2. administration
        3. human resources
        4. program specific (human services programs)
      • Improve efficiency
      • Designed to be in line with best practice
      • Policies meet or exceed licensing standards and professional accreditation requirements
Program Improvement – System Analysis & Design

Services include diagnosis of agency and program areas that need improvement. Design, develop and implement solutions that involve staff and stakeholders. We examine and improve areas such as communication flow, record keeping, and technology issues and create systems to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. We employ a variety of data collection methods such as needs assessments, interviews with staff and key stakeholders, surveys, and focus groups. We can be of assistance to help implement recommendations, if desired.

  • Diagnose areas for improvement (e.g., communication flow, paperwork consolidations, data collection, record keeping)
  • Design user-friendly solutions and systems
  • Evaluate technology use and needs
  • Employ a variety of data collection methods
  • Design implementation tools and strategies

Using Logic Models in Program Planning, Implementation and Evaluation.

Increase your program staff’s understanding and use of logic models. A logic model is an important tool that can and should be used to guide the planning, implementation and evaluation of programs and services. The training is one and one-half hour in length and includes a hands-on exercise for participants, and is suitable for anyone wanting to know more about logic models. It is also helpful for any staff who are responsible for implementing any components of program planning, implementation and evaluation; to get all staff thinking about the importance of clearly defining organizational programs and services and showing how this directly ties into everything they do.

How to Design and Implement Your Own Survey Research.

Organizations are frequently called upon to collect information; surveys can be an effective way to gather the needed data. Both paper and electronic surveys can be easy to design, if you know the basics. This 6 hour training can get you up and running in no time. The training includes lecture, handouts and exercises covering the following topics:

  1. Why conduct a survey?
  2. Types of surveys and the pros and cons of each.
  3. How to go about designing your survey (including both paper and electronic formats).
  4. Choosing your sample-who and how many.
  5. Types of questions.
  6. Other important considerations when designing surveys.
  7. The importance of respondent confidentiality.
  8. Important parts of the survey–it’s not just the questions.
  9. The three steps to planning your project-PLAN, PLAN, & PLAN!
  10. How to Design and Implement Your Own Focus Group Research.

Focus groups can be used by anyone to get information for many purposes. A few skills and planning tools can get you well on your way to talking with the people you want to hear from and knowing how to make sense of that information. This is an 12 hour training and is best delivered over two or more days. Topics and class exercises include:

  1. What is a focus group and why use it?
  2. What are some potential problems with focus groups?
  3. What makes for a successful focus group?
  4. How to design a focus group project.
  5. The three phases of a focus group project: Recruiting Participants, Moderating, and Analyzing Data.
  6. Focus Group Questions.
  7. Overview of Data Analysis.
  8. The Role of the Moderator and Assistant Moderator.
  9. Steps in the planning process.